Black and white photo of cardboard box with the word FRAGILE on the side.

I was living in the upstairs of my grandmother’s house. I received a package in the mail. It was an original painting from Banksy. Banksy had made a screen/screen print, and this was the only print off of it. I was confused and excited. I didn’t know how Banksy knew where I lived. I kept […]

Black and white photo of hand touching a board.
The White Room

Dreamt that I was in a dully illuminated white room. A courier passed a package to me. The package was white on the outside with a very small bit of printed text. The package was from an old friend that I had not spoke to in some time. Inside the package were what looked like […]

Black and white photo of painting of city lights on wall.

Dreamt that Robocop had just been created. The company was having a celebration party. People were leaning over him and discussing his specs. He realized that not only was he a tool for good, but he could be controlled for evil. People in attendance of the party started fighting over what they would use Robocop […]

Black and white photo of hallway in warehouse.
Pale Cousin

Dreamt of my cousin. She was very pale. She is 33 in the dream, tall, lithe, alabaster skin, strawberry blonde hair. I found her slumped over in the warehouse. We must be in Detroit. She was bleeding from her shoulder on her white torn t-shirt over her black leather pants and goth platform boots. I […]


Strange dream: The graphics interchange format played before my eyes. The pixels displayed my innermost fantasies in a spectrum of monochromatic beauty.

Folding Chair

Dreamt that I had a house with a basement. A community garden. My house was on a street facing a main road. People would sit out on the grass by the curb of the road and watch traffic go by. It was also summer. I had one of those metal folding chairs that remind me […]

Black and white photo of sketchbooks covered in stickers.
Sticker Addiction

Strange dream: I was stealing stickers. I needed the stickers. I put them all over my sketchbook covers. It was like an addiction.

Black and white photo of church.

Dreamt that I was inside of a large underground cathedral. Workers were barricading off exits. I asked if I could get out a certain way to exit. One just nodded their head. They didn’t speak. I asked again. I received the same response. I looked through a box of junk and found a wind-up flash […]

Black and white photo/self portrait of myself wearing a scarf and lip piercing with a slightly open mouth.

Dreamt that everywhere that I went, people kept calling me she, miss, etc. I kept correcting them to they and them. It was annoying. Black and white photo/self portrait. Location: Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo/self portrait of half of my face. One eye is shown and glistening black.

Dreamt that there was a large spider web hanging against the discolored white plaster in the laundry room. At the back of the web was a large black spider about the size of my hand. It had a bulb like body and long legs that ended in points. They had one joint in them like […]