Black and white photo of hotel bed.
Relationship Advisor

Mr. T from the A team was talking to me. He was telling me about how hard it is having a relationship. I was telling him how my boyfriend and I work opposite schedules, so we only see each other a few days a week except in our sleep on the other days. Mr. T […]

Black and white photo of homemade cheeseburger.
I Saw a Squirrel

Dreamt that there was this squirrel running around. Then someone was eating a cheeseburger. With each bite the cheeseburger got smaller. As that happened, the ground that the squirrel was running around on got smaller. It kept getting smaller as the cheeseburger dwindled until there was nothing.

Black and white photo of syringe and vial.
Shotgun Wedding

Dreamt that my family was trying to marry me to my older brother. It was some weird gunshot wedding. I was drugged in the dream. All I remember saying was, “Isn’t this illegal?” Thankfully, my boyfriend rescued me from the situation. Black and white photo of syringe and vial. Location: Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of fitness sign.
The Gain

Dreamt that I was working out like crazy and sustaining myself on less than 1200 calories a day. I was working out and eating like that for weeks and instead of losing weight, I was gaining it. The next time I stepped on the scale it was up to 183 lbs. and I almost fell […]

Black and white photo of clouds in sky.
Changing Cloud Formation

I was staring into a beautiful cloud formation that was dark. Inside I could see paintings. It was like a gallery. Then the paintings turned into Christmas trees. The smoke turned into a house fire. The house was an inferno. The flames flickered high into the sky. That first cloud, it was not moving and […]

Black and white photo of table with food dishes on it. Arm reaching for cup.
Battleship Punks

I was on this battleship or cruise ship. I am not sure which at this point. I was wearing red plaid punk/bondage pants, a black t-shirt, and paratrooper black leather boots. My hair was also short and dyed white and red.  The ship started sinking. Everyone abandoned ship and swam against the current to a […]

Black and white photoof gloved hand holding scissors over a sink.
The Cutting

In the dream women were getting their clothing cut off with scissors. The black fabric was rendered in two against their pale flesh. Then the fabric would heal back up as if it never happened. It kept going on and on like a never ending cycle. Black and white photoof gloved hand holding scissors over […]