
Strange dream: A swordfish mounted on a brick wall. A boat. An ocean.

Black and white photo of blankets.

Dreamt that I felt like the dreams were like a blanket or something I could just slip into. Comfortable and warm.

Black and white photo of desk in low walled cubicle.

Dreamt that I was thinking about putting a bug on a desk at work. The desk belonged to an employee who would throw anyone under the bus. I was wondering what size bug to get. Black and white photo of desk. Location: Michigan, USA

Black and white photo of IV bag in hospital emergency room. Image is animated with a glitch of lines.

Dreamt that I was losing my job and it was all getting very stressful. Eat work eat workout sleep. It kept repeating, but I felt like I was going into a downward spiral. Black and white photo of IV bag in hospital emergency room. Image is animated with a glitch of lines. Taken at hospital […]

Black and white photo of traffic in the city at night.
The City

Strange dream: I let the city swallow me up. Black and white photo of traffic in the city at night. Location: Unknown, USA

Black and white photo of hallway.
The Cleaning Guy

Dreamt that I was at work in the machining company. The cleaning guy, well they call him “Kenny the Cleaning Guy” was chatting with me. It was a good conversation. We became friends. Black and white photo of hallway. Unknown location, USA.

Black and white photo of swinging Newton's cradle on a table.

Strange dream: Existence feels different. Black and white photo of swinging Newton’s cradle on a table. Location: Dearborn, Michigan, USA.

Black and white self portrait photo in front of Ghost in the Shell mural on wall.
Black Light

Dreamt that I bought a 48″ black light. I installed it in a small 10’ by 10’ room. The walls were covered in band posters and thought crime propaganda. I sat immersed in the light and starred up at the posters. Dexter would have wanted this. Black and white self portrait photo in front of […]

Black and white photo/self portrait with claw rings.

Dreamt that my little brother died. He was Christian Bale. I brought him back from the dead with witchcraft damning my soul forever so I could take a photo of him smiling for our mom. Christian wouldn’t smile. He was a dick to me about being a half zombie. I yelled at him, “You have […]

Black and white photo of open human mouth.

Dreamt that I was drinking shots of sulfur from tiny shot glasses. Yellow smoke wafted from the glass. My body burned. Black and white photo of open human mouth. Location: Michigan, USA