Black and white photo of men's room/restroom sign on wood door.
Men’s Room

Black and white photo of men’s room/restroom sign on wood door. Taken in unknown location, USA.

Black and white self portrait photo in front of Ghost in the Shell mural on wall.
Black Light

Dreamt that I bought a 48″ black light. I installed it in a small 10’ by 10’ room. The walls were covered in band posters and thought crime propaganda. I sat immersed in the light and starred up at the posters. Dexter would have wanted this. Black and white self portrait photo in front of […]

Digital drawing in grey lines of a woman wearing a hood from the music video Animals by CREEP.
CREEP – Animals

Sketch from the music video for the song Animals by CREEP.

Photo of finished artwork "Trista" painting on newspaper taped to wall. Art by Ren Morrison
Trista – Painting Tutorial

There was once a girl named Trista. I met her with her master at a local event in Michigan. She had amazing hair. She didn’t speak much, but I had the opportunity to draw her. See the original drawings here. Later, I created a large painting of the drawing. Here are the basic steps. For […]

Black and white photo of dirt and small rocks.

Black and white photo of dirt and small rocks. Taken in Dearborn, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo/self portrait with claw rings.

Dreamt that my little brother died. He was Christian Bale. I brought him back from the dead with witchcraft damning my soul forever so I could take a photo of him smiling for our mom. Christian wouldn’t smile. He was a dick to me about being a half zombie. I yelled at him, “You have […]

Marker drawing of Trista, girl with short red hair sitting in chair.
Sketches of Trista

There was once a girl named Trista. I met her with her master at a local event in Michigan. She had amazing hair. She didn’t speak much, but I had the opportunity to draw her. Later, I created a large painting of the drawing. Click here to see the painting.

Black and white photo of hand with chipped black nail-polish holding an unusual shaped glass filled halfway with a fluid.

Black and white photo of holding an unusual shaped glass filled halfway with a fluid. Taken in Taylor, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of open human mouth.

Dreamt that I was drinking shots of sulfur from tiny shot glasses. Yellow smoke wafted from the glass. My body burned. Black and white photo of open human mouth. Location: Michigan, USA

Derpy digital grey and white drawing of everyone's favorite electric rat. It is yelling "Chu!" But it is really saying "F*ck you Ash! I am not getting in that Pokeball!"
I am not getting into that!

I wonder if Ash ever cleans those Pokeballs. Poor electric rat.