Photo of drawing marker art on a sticker under blacklight/UV light depicting two furries booping noses. Title "Nose Boops"
Nose Boops

Busy day today. Woke up early and went to the dentist for a bi-annual exam. Success! No cavities! Worked. Drew this sticker after work. A happy drawing for once. Thinking about how good hugs and cuddles are. More black light/UV madness. I need to really get a black light desk lamp, instead of setting my […]

Scanned drawing of furry character wearing a suit and tie. There is blood smeared on his face and he is smiling. Inspired by the My Chemical Romance album art Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge.
Bloody Romance

Art by Ren Morrison as (Amber) Scanned drawing of furry character wearing a suit and tie. Inspired by the My Chemical Romance album art Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge.

Scanned drawing of furry character wearing hood with ears. Title next to it "Doggie Darko." Fan art of Donnie from Donnie Darko.
Doggie Darko

Art by Ren Morrison as (Amber) Scanned drawing of furry character wearing hood with ears. Fan art of Donnie from Donnie Darko movie. He is my favorite character.