Almost Dead
Dreamt that I was in an intensive care unit in a hospital. I was supposed to be almost dead. I had to pretend to be in a coma. I don’t know what the reason was, but it was my job to baffle doctors. This one doctor came in and he knew I was faking. He would move my hand back and forth and I would try my best to let it be limp. He thought it was funny. He told me to keep up the good work.
When there were no doctors around, I would get out of the bed and exercise. I stripped down to a tank top and shorts and was running in placed around the hospital room. When I heard a nurse approaching, I would collapse into bed.

Black and white photo of reflection of arm in hospital mirror. Location: Michigan, USA.
Filed under: dreams,photography,writing - @ 13 August 2012 17:38
Tags: art, dreams, photography, writing