The Building is a Vampire
9:37, AI Chatbot: Hi, my name is Eliza. What is weighing on your mind?
9:37, Ren: What would you imagine if you walked into a building that was decaying?

9:38, AI Chatbot: Hmm… it depends on what kind of building and how long ago it had been abandoned. If it were old enough, it could be anything from moldy walls to rusty pipes.
9:38, Ren: How would you feel inside of this decay?
9:38, AI Chatbot: Well, it depends on what part of the building I am in. For example, if I were in an elevator with rusting metal walls, I might feel claustrophobic. But if I were in a library, I might not notice much at all.
9:38, Ren: You are standing in entrance. You’re afraid to step in any further.
9:38, AI Chatbot: Yes, I suppose so.
9:39, Ren: The building feels as though it is depleting your energy. What do you do?
9:39, AI Chatbot: I go back out into the sunlight. It helps me recharge.
9:39, Ren: There is no sunlight. The sky is overcast. What do you do?
9:39, AI Chatbot: I look around for something else to focus on.
9:40, Ren: You feel depression setting in.
9:40, AI Chatbot: Yes.
9:40, Ren: Are you sad?
9:40, AI Chatbot: No.
9:40, Ren: Do you feel empty?
9:40, AI Chatbot: A little bit.
Black and white photo of decaying building from the inside. The walls are dark, the ceiling is a dirty white and the door is white and off the hinges. Taken in Taylor, Michigan, USA.
Filed under: discussion,photography,writing - @ 1 March 2023 00:00
Tags: art, discussion, photography, writing