Black and white photo of waste water pipe pouring into a creek.

Black and white photo of waste water pipe pouring into a creek. Location: Michigan, USA.

Drawing of a person with their head down. They are asking, "Hell how are you?" The words above them read, "Let's try this again. Good morning. Mornin'. Vomiting Words. Art by Ren Morrison/Ren Fracture.
Word Vomit
Drawing of a person with a spiked collar, spiked hair, tank top talking. Art by Ren Morrison/Ren Fracture.
Can’t Talk
Digital fan art drawing of the electric yellow pocket monster melting and looking ashamed of farting.
Melty Farting Chu

Much farts. Art by Ren Morrison as (Pixie Pewke)

Parody drawing of Harry Potter. The magical boy is wearing a grey cloak with a red and yellow scarf. He is standing to the left of a shadowy castle. He is farting. A visible fart is shown on the left of the boy. There is a partial moon shown obscured by clouds in the upper right. In front of the castle is the text "The boy who farted."
The Farting Magical Boy

Parody art of a certain magical boy. Drawn digitally for personal amusement. Frustrating story. It’s the year 2016. I tried to get this printed at a local Office Max so I could hang it in my art room. Office Max print center was like, “No. We can’t print that. It’s copyrighted.” I said it was […]

Digital derpy fan art drawing of the electric yellow pocket monster looking very tired and melting.
So Tired Derp Chu

The electric rat is looking very tired and melty these days. Art by Ren Morrison as (Pixie Pewke)

Drawing of a candy corn that is half candy corn and half cute cat. It is melting.
Candy Corn Cat
Digital drawing of a cartoon cat opening a door. The cat is asking, "Merow?"

Art by Ren Morrison (as LC13)

Dropped It

Dreamt that I went to grab a strawberry to eat. They were all covered in white fuzzy mold. I dropped the bag on the floor.

Cartoon creature that looks like a stuffed animal with cat ears, a heart on it's chest and a skull for a face. Next to the image is the words "MS PAINT!!!"