Black and white photo/self portrait wearing shades. One hand is holding my head. I am wearing a hoodie that has a cowl obscuring half my face.
Jacked In

Dreamt that my eyes were swimming in a SMS chat/forum. Tonehog was passing through Detroit on some business. Zoetica was also passing around the same area. However, no one was meeting. I felt like I was constantly awake and falling asleep into some sort of sleep coma. I needed to be at the train station […]

Black and white photo/self portrait of my hand adjusting suit jacket.

Strange dream: Clean and dry, I put on the black suit. I adjusted the black tie against my white shirt. Then I placed a bulky noose around my neck. I looked at the rope and wondered what I was doing. I don’t understand myself. I am happy for once, yet here I am standing with […]

Black and white photo of bedroom. Arm is hovering over cat on bed. The paint is peeling. The floor is wood.
The Power

Strange dream: I had the power to turn the world black and white, one small bit at a time. I experimented on a few things. It was very interesting. Black and white photo of bedroom. Location: Taylor, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of scientist hands.
Sing Science

Dreamt that There was a tour of scientists singing and talking to the music of Symphony of Science. I was watching it live.

Photo of hand covered with black glistening paint against a peeling wall.
Marked Hand

Photo of hand covered with black glistening paint against a peeling wall. Location: Taylor, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of door. Glass on door has the words shift commander
Shift Commander

Black and white photo of door at old police station in Hamtramck, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo/self portrait wearing hooded cowl.
Special Forces

Dreamt that I was part of some special forces team. We were putting our body armor on and getting ready to go into an intense hostage situation. Christian Bale was our team leader. I was putting on some special breast plate armor over my black tactical clothes. We ran down a set of white stairs […]

Black and white photo of blankets.

Dreamt that I felt like the dreams were like a blanket or something I could just slip into. Comfortable and warm.

Black and white photo of desk in low walled cubicle.

Dreamt that I was thinking about putting a bug on a desk at work. The desk belonged to an employee who would throw anyone under the bus. I was wondering what size bug to get. Black and white photo of desk. Location: Michigan, USA

Black and white photo of stairs leading down with hand. Stairs are stripped, dirty and have paint marks on them.
Follow Me

Black and white photo of stairs leading down with hand. Location: Taylor, Michigan, USA.