Black and white photo of warning sign in elevator.
In Case of Fire

Black and white photo of warning sign in elevator. Taken at a therapist office in Southgate, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of a girl named Mouse wearing a white tank top and baggy jeans with a chain.
A Girl Named Mouse

Dreamt that I saw an old friend named Mouse. She was cheery and happy to see me. Her short dark brown hair was cut in a bob.

Digital drawing of grey and white fan art of constipated electric rat pocket monster.

Why do I draw these things? I know all too well this pain. I mean, wouldn’t pocket monsters have the same problem if they ate garbage?

Black and white photo of art in a mall/shopping center.
Mall Art

Black and white photo of art in a mall/shopping center. Taken in unknown location, USA.

Black and white photo of scratched surface.

Dream: The world was three dimensional. Then it started collapsing on itself. All that was left was a scratch mark on stone. Black and white photo of scratched surface. Location: Unknown, USA.

Black and white photo of person with sunglasses.
The Wig

Dreamt I was at a job. I am not sure even what I did there. A shirtless man walked in. He was wearing a long brown wig that was parted down the middle. It was the same wig that I had bought from the romance store. He walked in a kind of dance into the […]

Black and white photo of jungle boots being worn.
Jungle Boots

Black and white photo of jungle boots. Taken in Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of HVAC vent panel in warehouse.
The Moving Screws

Dreamt that I was staring at this steel plate. My focus was on the screws in the plate. Then the screws started to unscrew themselves just like I wanted. They slowly unscrewed themselves and fell on the cement floor. It was beautiful. Black and white photo of HVAC vent panel in warehouse at the Russel […]

Black and white photo of two very worn leather combat jump boots. The boots are untied.
Untied Boots

Black and white photo of two untied boots.Taken Michigan, USA.

Some Binary that I Used to Know

Dreamt that I was laying a cat stencil over binary code on a canvas. The binary code looked like the binary blanket that I used to have. I was about to depress on the spray-paint can. Then I stopped. The soundtrack to Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD was playing repeatedly in my dream. She […]