9:37, AI Chatbot: Hi, my name is Eliza. What is weighing on your mind? 9:37, Ren: What would you imagine if you walked into a building that was decaying? 9:38, AI Chatbot: Hmm… it depends on what kind of building and how long ago it had been abandoned. If it were old enough, it could […]
The longer that I stared at my reflection in the glass, I felt like I was fading and becoming invisible. My hands shook. I felt myself detaching from reality. I watched from a distance as it all began, watching as everything changed, wondering if this was the beginning of something so final that nothing would […]
It was a giant tower that stretched into the heavens and was built by exploited laborers. Black and white photo of looking up at a bell tower toward the sky. Taken in Centerline, Michigan, USA.
Waking Moments
Black and white animated image of flesh and teeth moving. This animation is composed of multiple AI created images.
Chilled declivity A messy twitter disrupt near the election Black and white close up photo of letters on center of black keyboard. Taken in Taylor, Michigan, USA.
Patient Records
It had been several days since they last looked over the patient records and both were tired of reading the details of what happened during his latest bout of illness. Black and white photo of human muscle diagram from an urgent care patient room in Taylor, Michigan, USA.
Step in These Boots
Black and white animated photo of a military boot vibrating with a strange rhythm. Image has been pixelated. Original photo taken in Taylor, Michigan, USA.
Waking up from hibernation shell. The world is cold. Black and white photo of a metallic pattern. Location: Unknown, USA
House by the Tracks
I’d like to see it fall. Black and white photo of left side of dilapidated dirty house. Train tracks and trees are behind the house. Taken in Taylor, Michigan, USA.
Football Bridge at Night
an opposing influence on the machines Black and white photo of bridge at night. This bridge is referred to as the “football bridge” in Taylor, Michigan, USA.