Black and white close up photo of letters on center of black keyboard.

Chilled declivity A messy twitter disrupt near the election Black and white close up photo of letters on center of black keyboard. Taken in Taylor, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of fall trees without leaves.

Eternal, moral with the powers of darkness flickering shadows Black and white photo of fall trees without leaves. Taken in Taylor, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of two mannequins in a department store. The mannequins have blank faces.

Following, proper each of the following blanks the malignant clone Black and white photo of two mannequins in a department store in Troy, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of bars over a window.

Thoracic, golden into one of the cages of iron and steel Black and white photo of bars over a window on the University of Michigan campus, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of alley with wall covered in graffiti art.

Physical, even been covered with graffiti exterior paints Black and white photo of alley with wall covered in graffiti art. Taken in Graffiti Alley, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of wood floor with wear, glue, and paint splotches.
Floor Decay

Potential, total resulting from the decay continued to paint Black and white photo of wood floor with wear, glue, and paint splotches. Taken in Taylor, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of close up of cracks on a dirty white wall.

Opposite, over all ingredients with cracked the opposite wall Black and white photo of close up of cracks on a dirty white wall. Taken in Taylor, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of pipe with cracks and peeling paint.

Granular, glacial removal of the debris diameter pipe Black and white photo of pipe with cracks and peeling paint. Taken in Taylor, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of brickwork on the side of building.

Just outside, several the mortar between the bricks leaned against the wall Black and white photo of brickwork on the side of building. Taken in Dearborn, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of hand wearing two hook rings.

Darkening descend A terminal, dull claw cools in spite of the hand Black and white photo of hand wearing two hook rings. Location: Unknown, USA