Black and white photo of file folders.

Dreamt that my best friend from high school and I were working the same temp job. It was some office job. We were told to organize everything. There were a few stacks of papers. It wasn’t much to do. An idiot could have done it. We drew My Little Pony sticky notes and put them […]

Black and white photo of bandaged arm resting on top of white sheet.

Black and white photo of bandaged arm. Taken in Taylor, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of reflection of arm in hospital mirror.
Almost Dead

Dreamt that I was in an intensive care unit in a hospital. I was supposed to be almost dead. I had to pretend to be in a coma. I don’t know what the reason was, but it was my job to baffle doctors. This one doctor came in and he knew I was faking. He […]

Black and white photo of hotel bed.
Relationship Advisor

Mr. T from the A team was talking to me. He was telling me about how hard it is having a relationship. I was telling him how my boyfriend and I work opposite schedules, so we only see each other a few days a week except in our sleep on the other days. Mr. T […]

Black and white photo/self portrait of myself holding hand in front of my face. Wearing fingerless glove and black shirt.
Block Out the Light

Black and white photo/self portrait of myself holding hand in front of my face during a migraine. Taken in Southgate, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of pile of rocks.

Black and white photo of pile of rocks. Taken in Dearborn, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of homemade cheeseburger.
I Saw a Squirrel

Dreamt that there was this squirrel running around. Then someone was eating a cheeseburger. With each bite the cheeseburger got smaller. As that happened, the ground that the squirrel was running around on got smaller. It kept getting smaller as the cheeseburger dwindled until there was nothing.

Black and white photo/self portrait of my right hand on my head. The rest of the face is in shadow.

Black and white photo/self portrait of my right hand on my head during a bad headache. Taken in Taylor, Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of syringe and vial.
Shotgun Wedding

Dreamt that my family was trying to marry me to my older brother. It was some weird gunshot wedding. I was drugged in the dream. All I remember saying was, “Isn’t this illegal?” Thankfully, my boyfriend rescued me from the situation. Black and white photo of syringe and vial. Location: Michigan, USA.

Black and white photo of legs on dirty wood floor. Shown from the knees down to the feet of the leather combat jump boots.
Combat Boots

Black and white photo of legs on dirty wood floor. Taken in Taylor, Michigan, USA.