Dreamt that my best friend from high school and I were working the same temp job. It was some office job. We were told to organize everything. There were a few stacks of papers. It wasn’t much to do. An idiot could have done it. We drew My Little Pony sticky notes and put them on each stack.
The recruiter came back and was impressed. He flirted with us. Evidently, he liked curvy girls. He was a tall skinny white guy who sometimes liked to get a fake tan at the tanning salon. He had short hair that he liked to spike with product (so edgy). He was wearing a navy-blue suit. The jacket was open. He wore underneath it a sky-blue button dress shirt and a tie.
He was one of those player types, just another jerk. My best friend and I both knew this. We pretended to go along with him, but in our minds we both knew what he was all about.
She has a degree in Computer Science, and I have one in Graphic Design, but secretly, we were agents. We could exterminate the recruiter at a whim if we wanted.

Black and white photo of file folders. Location: Michigan, USA.
Filed under: dreams,photography,writing - @ 13 September 2012 11:23
Tags: art, dreams, photography, writing