Running Scared
Dreamt that my dad was alive and now married to a woman who looked in her 30’s. She has reddish-brunette hair. This was his fourth marriage in the dream. My dad is 65-ish in the dream.
The fourth wife was very jealous of any kids from previous relationships that my dad would still communicate with. She hated my guts.
She was angry because she found some bank statement from 1998 (way before they even met) that showed I had received +$500. It was Thanksgiving holiday family times. She was faking being nice to me. Then she demanded to know about the $500. I told her that it was so long ago, I had no idea. No, she thought I was taking money from my dad now, even though it was from 1998. I told her that I had tried hard to get along with her, but she was a real bitch and could fuck off.
Then I was in a warehouse/science lab. The fourth wife was pregnant. The scientists were trying to engineer it to be a super human. I was there, as a viewer, but not physically there.
Fast forward to the baby is a toddler. They constantly put it in front of screens, programming it. It’s in a dark room only illuminated by the screens. Wires hooked up to it’s chest.
Jump forward 10 more years, the toddler is now a little boy. His skin is pale and it doesn’t look like they let him get much sun. They’re still constantly programming him, making him watch videos and pumping him full of enhancing drugs.

The fourth wife is now working with the military. The operation is under new management. They are building a 8ft cyborg body for it. So when he reaches maturity they will transfer his brain to this huge body that was part robot/part lab grown flesh and organs.
The fourth wife is being extra pissy for some reason, she wants progress now! She tells the scientists to take the little boy’s brain and put it in the cyborg body right away. They caution her that the boy isn’t fully developed and it is not advisable.
The mother is standing next to the operating table and the large cyborg body. The kid is holding on to her saying, “Mommy, don’t let them cut me out.” Referring to his brain. She says, “It’s for your own good.” Then shoves the child at the scientists
This warehouse isn’t the cleanest. The floor is grey concrete. There is construction of machine/cyborg stuff everywhere. High ceiling where you can see the metal rafters. Reminded me of an airplane hangar.
Then they put the boy under. Removed the top half of his head after much cutting. I watched as rubber gloves picked up the head out of the skull like it was just resting in a layer of gel/ooze. There was nothing connected to it, when I was seeing this. They had already severed things.
Then the scientists were complaining because the brain size was much smaller than they had planned for the cyborg body. The fourth wife just bitched at them to get it done.
At some point, I was running in an alley with some other people. We were running scared for our lives. For some unknown reason we were military targets.
I stood face to leg of the cyborg. His motions were jerky and slow. I kept running for what seemed like hours. He didn’t seem to be tiring out.
Fast forward like a DVD skipping. Then I was looking up at his cyborg face. The top of the head had a translucent dome. Part of the brain was visible.
Then I woke up.
Filed under: dreams,photography,writing - @ 31 July 2024 22:55
Tags: art, dreams, photography, writing